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Literature Seminar Presentation Session

All Computational Sciences students are invited to attend the presentation sessions for the Literature Seminar that is part of the curriculum of the Computational Sciences master.

The next session will be on Tuesday 30 April, 15:30-16:30h, in the small seminar room 3.137 at the GeoMet Institute (Pohligstr. 3).


In this session, the following student presents:

Lorinda Marie Herbers Igarza
Topic: Annotation and analysis of 3D plant tissue micrographs
Specialisation Area: Computational Biology
Supervisors: Prof. Katarzyna Bozek, Prof. Miltos Tsiantis (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research)


We encourage all Computational Sciences students to join the seminar session, even if you are not yet currently in the research phase of your master!

The Literature Seminar is the first step of the Research Part of your master studies (3rd and 4th semester). In a seminar talk, students present the current state of research in their topic from their Area of Specialisation. This is a great opportunity for you all to get to know the research topics of your peers and possibly find inspiration for your own research projects next year!

We look forward to an exciting talk and meeting you all at the session!


Literature Seminar Presentation Session

All Computational Sciences students are invited to attend the presentation sessions for the Literature Seminar that is part of the curriculum of the Computational Sciences master.

The next session will be on Thursday 18 April, 11:00-12:00h, in room 3.133 at the GeoMet Institute (Pohligstr. 3).


In this session, the following student presents:

Jan-Philip Kraayvanger
Topic: Response of atmospheric pollutants to the transition from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles on a global scale
Specialisation Area: Earth System Sciences
Supervisor: Dr. Alexandra Tsimpidi


We encourage all Computational Sciences students to join the seminar session, even if you are not yet currently in the research phase of your master!

The Literature Seminar is the first step of the Research Part of your master studies (3rd and 4th semester). In a seminar talk, students present the current state of research in their topic from their Area of Specialisation. This is a great opportunity for you all to get to know the research topics of your peers and possibly find inspiration for your own research projects next year!

We look forward to an exciting talk and meeting you all at the session!


CompScie Students Social Meetup

Let's have an informal meetup together!

We will meet up on Tuesday, 16 April, starting at 12:30, in the big seminar room 3.136.

It's a great opportunity for you all to meet each other after the semester break and have a chat, without the pressure of lectures and exercises!
There will be biscuits, and you can get coffee/tea at the student union's kitchen closeby.

Looking forward to meeting you all!


Simulation and Modeling 2 - Introduction Session (Cohort 2 / 2nd Semester)

We invite all students from cohort 2 (who started in WS23/24) to join the first session of the Simulation and Modeling 2 course, on Monday 8 April, at 09:00-10:30h, in room 3.136 of the GeoMet Institute (Pohligstr. 3).

We will discuss important information and updates for the upcoming term, so please make sure you can attend this first lecture!


Start of the Summer Term 2024

The semester starts on 1 Apr. Lectures start from the 8th.

Please check starting dates and times for your courses on the KLIPS2.0 portal.


Course Registration Period for SS24

The first registration period for courses is open from 31 January until 13. February 2024.

Please register for all the courses you would like to take during the upcoming summer term in time.

If you haven't already, please contact your mentor to discuss module choices for your studies!


The second registration period opens 29 February and ends 21 March.

You can still register for courses if you have missed the first period, however, please be aware that all spots in your desired courses may already be taken.


See the KLIPS2.0 website for more information on News and Dates:


Note: If you wish to take courses that are not included in the regular curriculum for the Computational Sciences master program, please send a request to and indicate how the course would fit in your curriculum. The examination board will then decide whether it is possible to take your desired course as part of the study program.



Literature Seminar Presentation Session

All Computational Sciences students are invited to attend the first presentation session for the Literature Seminar in Computational Sciences on Tuesday 19 December, 16:00-17:30h, in lecture hall 4.001 at the GeoMet Institute (Pohligstr. 3).

The Literature Seminar is the first step of the research part of your master studies (3rd and 4th semester). In a seminar talk, students present the current state of research in their topic from their Area of Specialisation.
Even if you are not yet currently in the research phase of your master, we encourage you to join the seminar session. This is a great opportunity for you all to get to know the research topics of your peers and possibly find inspiration for your own research projects next year!

In this first session, the following students present:

Logan Stephenson
Topic: Fog and cloud detection using machine learning
Specialisation Area: Earth System Sciences
Supervisors: Prof. Susanne Crewell, Dr. Christoph Boehm

Quinten Preiss
Topic: Monitored Quantum Circuits
Specialisation Area: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Supervisor: Prof. Simon Trebst

Malte Pütz,
Topic: Entanglement phase transitions in a shallow circuit for GHZ preparation: from Nishimori to percolation criticality
Specialisation Area: Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Supervisor: Prof. Simon Trebst

We look forward to exciting talks and meeting you all at the session!


CompScie Students Social Meetup


Introduction Session 1st Semester (Cohort 2)

We invite all new incoming students from cohort 2 (who start in WS23/24) to join the introduction session, on Wednesday, 11 October at 10:30am, in the Institute for Geophysics and Meteorology in seminar room 3.136.

You find the room when you enter through the main entrance of Pohligstr. 3, and take the elevator on the left.
Leave the elevator on the 3rd floor, and go through the glass door to your right.
Turn left and walk down the corridor.
You will find the seminar rooms to your right.

This is the time and place for the first lecture of the Simulation and Modeling 1 course. In this introductory session, we will provide you with important information about the Computational Sciences program, as well as the lecture itself.

Information material:


Introduction Session 3rd Semester (Cohort 1)

We invite all students from cohort 1 (who started in WS22/23) to join the first session of the Literature Seminar, on Monday 9 October, at 15:00-16:30h, in room 3.136 of the GeoMet Institute (Pohligstr. 3).

Please join the session, even if you do not yet plan to start with the Literature Seminar module this term!

We will discuss important information about the process of this module, as well as the other modules for the research part of your master: Project Work and Master Thesis.


Start of the Winter Term 23/24

The semester starts on 1 Oct. Lectures start from the 9th.

Please check starting dates and times for your courses on the KLIPS2.0 portal.