Course List
Various courses are offered accross the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences that are available for the Elective Area in Mathematics/Computer Science and the Areas of Specialization within the Computational Sciences program. The course offers for each module may vary from year to year. Find below a list of courses with annotations that shall help you choosing suitable courses for your studies.
Note: Many, but not all, course titles as listed in KLIPS have the same name as the corresponding modules they belong to. Some modules offer multiple courses, in which case usually only one course needs to be passed in order to complete the module.
Elective Mathematics and Computer Science Area
Module Name Credit Points Course Title Offered Comment Functional Analysis 9 Functional analysis SS Selected Topics of Applied Analysis 9 Introduction to partial differential equations SS Geometry in Physics 9 Geometry in Physics variable very theoretical Elementary Differential Geometry variable more computational, in German only Mathematics in Theoretical Physics 6 - - Einführung in die Numerische Mathematik 9 Introduction to Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations WS in German only Numerische Mathematik SS in German only Numerical Mathematics Seminar 6 Seminar on methods of mathematical modeling in life sciences variable Selected Topics of Numerical Mathematics 9 Performance-Engineering variable language of instruction: German
course material: English
Scientific Computing: Introduction to Atmospheric Flow Simulation SS Numerische Strömungsmechanik WS Introduction in Climate Modeling variable Convex Optimization 9 Convex Optimization variable Methods and problems in discrete mathematics 9 Methods and problems in discrete mathematics variable Probability Theory 2 9 Probability Theory II variable Selected Topics of Stochastics 9 Random graphs variable planned in SS 25, highly specialised Probability Theory I SS Gaussian random fields variable Statistics 6 Statistics every 3 years planned in SS 26 Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes and Network Science 9 Probability Theory and Stochastic Pocesses for Physicists variable Introduction to Network Science variable Complex Networks and Energy Grids variable Information Theory and Statistical Physics 6 - - Qualitative Methods in Theoretical Physics 9 - - Mathematics Seminar 6 various variable
Computer Science
Module Name Credit Points Course Title Offered Comment High Performance Computing 6 Introduction to High-Performance Computing WS Advanced High-Performance Computing SS Compute Continuum SS Heterogeneous and parallel computing WS Efficient Algorithms 9 Efficient Algorithms WS Quantum Computing 6 Quantum Information Theory WS Empirical Software Engineering 6 - - Requirements Engineering 9 Requirements Engineering - Visual Analytics 9 Visual Analytics SS Data and Information Science 9 Machine Learning SS Advanced Machine Learning WS Deep Learning variable Data Analysis and Fourier Transform 9 - - Inverse Modelling 6 Inverse Modelling (IM) - Lecture SS Programming in a Scientific Environment with C++ 9 - SS block course (6 weeks), sign up with lecturer M. Hanrath, offered when enough participants Computer Science Seminar 6 various variable Other various Introduction to Statistical Learning Objektorientierte Programmierung in German only Softwaretechnik in German, 9CP Computational Geometry 6CP Computer Vision 9CP
Areas of Specialization
Computational Astro- and Space Physics
Module Name Credit Points Course Title Offered Comment Advanced Astrophysics 9 Advanced Astrophysics WS compulsory! Space Physics 6 Space Physics (GEOSPACE) - Lecture SS compulsory! Geophysics of the Solar System 6 Geophysics of the Solar System (GEOSOSYS) - Lecture WS Computational Astrophysics 6 Computational Astrophysics SS Computational Many-Body Physics 6 Computational Many-Body Physics WS Hydrodynamics - from water droplets to Supernovae 6 Hydrodynamics WS Interstellar Medium and Star Formation 9 Physics of the Interstellar Medium variable Star Formation variable Advanced Seminar on Current Topics of Molecular and Astrophysics 3 various variable Other variable Machine Learning and Physics WS 6 CP (includes a course project of 1.5 CP for Comp. Sciences students) Galaxy Dynamics Observational Methods in Infrared Astronomy
Computational Biology
Module Name Credit Points Course Title Offered Comment Computational Biology 6 Lecture Computational Biology (MN-B-C 1) WS compulsory! Practical in Computational Biology 6 Seminar Computational Biology (MN-B-C 2) WS compulsory! Ecology, Evolution and Environment - Theory and Methods 6 Lecture Ecology, Evolution and Environment (MN-B-E 1) WS Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences - Lecture 6 Lecture Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences (MN-B-P 1) WS Essentials in Neuroscience - Lectures 6 Lecture Neuroscience (MN-B-N 1) WS Principles of Molecular Genetics, Development and Aging 6 Lecture Principles of Molecular Genetics, Development and Aging (MN-B-GA 1) WS Statistical Genetics and Epidemiology 12 Statistical Genetics, Epidemiology and Forensics SS block course, 2. half of the term Population Genetics and Molecular Evolution 12 Population Genetics and Molecular Evolution SS block course, 1. half of the term Computational Neuroscience 12 Computational Neuroscience SS block course, 2. half of the term Advanced Bioinformatics 12 Computational Biology II SS block course Other variable Physics of Biological Systems WS 6 CP Data Analysis in the life sciences variable 6 CP,
block course, to register contact lecturer G. Ansmann
Network Modelling and Machine Learning SS block course, 2. half of the term
Earth System Sciences
Module Name Credit Points Course Title Offered Comment Experimentelle und numerische Mineralogie 9 Spektroskopische Methoden variable Aktuelle Themen der experimentellen und numerischen Mineralogie variable Direct Current and Electromagnetic Exploration Methods 6 Direct Current and Electromagnetic Exploration Methods (GEOEEM) - Lecture WS Advanced Geophysical Field Course 6 Advanced Geophysical Field Course (GEOAFC) variable Seismology 6 Seismology (GEOSEIS) - Lecture WS Geophysics of the Solar System 6 Geophysics of the Solar System (GEOSOSYS) - Lecture WS Atmospheric Boundary Layer 6 Atmospheric Boundary Layer (METABL) - Lecture SS Clouds and Participation 6 Clouds and Precipitation (METCLOUD) - Lecture WS Physical Climatology 6 Physical Climatology (METCLIMATE) - Lecture SS Atmospheric Dynamics and Modelling 6 Atmospheric Dynamics and Modelling (METADM) - Lecture WS Atmospheric Radiation 6 Atmospheric Radiation (METRAD) - Lecture WS Physics of the Atmosphere 6 Physics of the Atmosphere (METPHA) - Lecture WS Atmospheric Chemistry 6 Atmospheric Chemistry (METCHEM) - Lecture WS Advanced Remote Sensing 6 Advanced Remote Sensing (METRS) - Lecture SS Other variable Introduction ML for Earth System Science WS 6 CP,
offered every 2 years; also offered in SS25!
Advanced ML for Earth System Science SS 6 CP,
offered every 2 years; starting in SS26
Fundamentals of Earth System data processing WS 6 CP,
offered every 2 years; starting in WS26/27
Advanced Earth System data processing SS 6 CP,
offered every 2 years; starting in SS27
Future Challenges in Meteorology: Machine Learning (METFUT) SS 6 CP
Theoretical Chemistry
Module Name Credit Points Course Title Offered Comment Advanced Theoretical Chemistry 1 6 Advanced Theoretical Chemistry (MN-C-A-TC) WS compulsory! Advanced Theoretical Chemistry 2 6 Advanced Theoretical Chemistry (MN-C-A-TC) SS compulsory! Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 6 Advanced Inorganic and Materials Chemistry (MN-C-A-AC) variable Advanced Organic Chemistry 6 Advanced Organic Chemistry (MN-C-A-OC) variable Advanced Physical Chemistry 6 Advanced Physical Chemistry (MN-C-A-PC) variable Advanced Biochemistry 6 Advanced Biochemistry (MN-C-A-BC) variable
Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
Module Name Credit Points Course Title Offered Comment Advanced Quantum Mechanics 9 Advanced Quantum Mechanics SS compulsory! Computational Many-Body Physics 6 Computational Many-Body Physics WS compulsory! Advanced Statistical Physics 9 Advanced Statistical Physics WS Hydrodynamics - from water droplets to Supernovae 6 Hydrodynamics variable Quantum Field Theory I 9 Quantum Field Theory I WS Quantum Field Theory II 9 Quantum Field Theory II SS Solid State Physics 6 Solid State Theory variable Other variable Quantum Information Theory WS 6CP,
accounted either for this Specialisation Area or module "Quantum Computing" in Computer Science area
Practical Course M - Computational Physics variable Sign-up information here
Supplementary Module
Eligible Courses
For this module you are allowed to choose courses freely from any of the Specialisation Areas and the Mathematics and Computer Science area, or choose from a wide range of courses in other fields such as Digital Humanities, Entrepreneurship and others that suit your personal curriculum.
Which courses are eligible for the Supplementary Module?
Find below a non-exhaustive list of courses outside the Computational Sciences curriculum that have been accepted as supplementary, or contact the study program coordinator if in doubt. Please note that some courses may be less than 6 CP, in which case you will need to complete more than one course.
Module Name
Credit Points
Course Title
Supplementary Module
Accelerate your career! Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Leadership for MINT students
3 CP,
offered by Excellence Startup Centre Gateway at UoC
Develop your own idea into a business model! Agile management techniques for MINT students
3 CP,
offered by Excellence Startup Centre Gateway at UoC
Seminar on insurance mathematics variable
General Relativity
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
3 CP
Research practical
contact the study program coordinator
Long-Term Planning
Please note that these courses are offered and coordinated at different departments accross the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. Therefore, the course offers as stated in the module handbook are not always up-to-date with the current course availabilities. In order to plan your curriculum as Computational Sciences students, please refer to the course offer lists for each area, that are updated regularly:
Please note: the course availabilities on these lists are not binding and only meant as a guide for your long-term planning. Always double-check the course catalogue in KLIPS2.0!
Contents of the Study Program
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